How Philanthropy Is Pushing for an Age-Friendly New Jersey

How Philanthropy Is Pushing for an Age-Friendly New Jersey

The Garden State’s been lagging behind the Empire State on efforts to foster age-inclusive communities. As New Jersey’s population grows older, these funders are looking to change that.

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This Small Bay Area Funder Is at the Leading Edge of Philanthropy for Aging

This Small Bay Area Funder Is at the Leading Edge of Philanthropy for Aging

San Francisco’s Metta Fund works to improve health outcomes of older adults in underserved communities. The grantmaker is doing a lot of forward-thinking funding around racial equity, trust-based giving and reframing aging.

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As Aging in America Turns Deadly, Why is Funding So Stubbornly Low?

As Aging in America Turns Deadly, Why is Funding So Stubbornly Low?

As the number of people over 50 has grown to represent a third of the U.S. population, the coronavirus has laid bare the unique vulnerabilities of older people. So why is philanthropic support so low? And where is it needed most?

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